Henry Shimabukuro afirma que Vladimir Cerrón podría estar en Cuba o Venezuela

Henry Shimabukuro asegura que Vladimir Cerrón podría estar en Cuba o Venezuela

Henry Shimabukuro, who advised on intelligence matters to the former president, Pedro Castillo, stated before the Congressional Oversight Committee that the fugitive from justice, Vladimir Cerrón, is no longer in our country, but would be taking refuge in Cuba or Venezuela.

“The information we had was that he had left the country for Cuba and then to Venezuela, he could be between Cuba and Venezuela,” he explained.

Shimabukuro Guevara asserted that, according to the information he has, the general secretary of Peru Libre would be under the protection of foreign intelligence personnel. This would confirm what was heard in the recordings between the Police captain, Junior Izquierdo, and the Minister of the Interior, Juan José Santiváñez, where the latter mentioned that Cerrón had the support of Cuban military personnel.

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However, the former intelligence agent could not provide further information about the use of the presidential vehicle called “Cofre” in which the former regional governor of Junín would have fled to Pisco. But he did affirm that only the Head of State can authorize the use of this vehicle.

In this regard, he suggested to the committee chaired by the congressman Juan Burgos (Podemos Perú) to summon the driver of the “Cofre” and the police officers who escorted the vehicle to find out why the presidential vehicle was in the south.

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